Monday, December 14, 2009

Worship Practice

The student praise and worship team will still be meeting Tuesday, December 15th (tomorrow) from 4-5:30. We will then take a break until January 5th (no more practices in December after tomorrow).

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Party!

This Wednesday, the students will not be meeting at the student
building, instead we will be having a special Christmas Party for all
in the student ministry at the Bartley's home. They have graciously
opened their home to us.

So please bring a "Dirty Santa" gift ($5-10 in value) and come right
to the Bartleys between 5-5:30! Parents, please pick-up your kids at
8:30pm. Dinner snacks provided.

See you there!

PS: need directions? Call the church at 606-677-9220 or email me at

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Prayer and Worship

The Annual Meeting for the church has been postponed tentatively to January 6th. Sooooo, the students will still not be meeting separately this week (same as original plan), we will be joining the greater body in an evening of Prayer and Worship in the Main Building. Free dinner starts at 5:30, Worship begins at 6:30. See you there for a great night of seeking the Lord together!



Friday, November 27, 2009

Eagle Heights Church Lock-In

Just in case you all might have forgot, on December the 4th, 2009, Ealge Heights Church will be hosting a lock-in. There will be basketball, flag-football, pizza, karaoke, movies and more. Our guest speaker will be Kansas City Royals outfielder and Pulaski County Native Josh Anderson. Join us on Friday, Decmeber the 4th at 7:00 P.M. and let the fun begin!

Monday, November 23, 2009

No Group

The Student Ministry will not be meeting for the next two Wednesdays.
The next time we will get together is the Lock-in on December 4th...
Can't wait!

Find more details in previous posts or on our Facebook group page!

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Guest Speaker Announced

Hey to all the youth of Eagle Heights Church! As many of you know, on December the 4th, Eagle Heights Church is sponsoring a church lock-in for the Eagle Heights youth. I also have been talking with many of you about a possible guest speaker and I know that you all are dying to find out who it is. Well, the guest speaker has been confirmed but, you will have to wait until Sunday to find out who it is! Just kidding! After much prayer and petition, current Kansas City Royals outfielder and Pulaski County native Josh Anderson will be coming to share his heart for Jesus. Come and please bring lots of friends. God Bless.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

As the storm waged and the waves broke over the boat and filled it with water His disciples woke Him saying, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "quiet, be still!" Then the waves calmed down and it was completely calm. Sometimes the storms of this life leave us with no hope and all seems lost. Sometimes it even seems as if Jesus is sleeping during our storms. The truth of the matter is Jesus still cares and he wants to calm the storms in your life today.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Neighborhood

We are meeting at the church at 5:15pm, then we'll be leaving to go to
The Neighborhood, a local care center for the elderly. Great

Bring $ for food/icecream after. We'll arrive back at the church at

See you tomorrow!

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, November 13, 2009

Only 3 Tickets Left to Pigeon Forge Conference!

We only have room for 2 boys and 1 girl for our upcoming trip to
Pigeon Forge for the Strength to Stand Conference in January!! If you
are in grades 6-12 and are interested in attending, please contact
John at asap!

First come first serve so act quickly...

For more on the conference visit

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Leper

and the Leper said to Jesus, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus responded, "I am willing," and he touched the man and he was immediately healed of his leprosy. Not only did Jesus heal the Leper, but by touching him, Jesus defied the law of his day which prohibited touching someone who was unclean and he did this all for the sake of Love. So, my question to you is, who have you loved today? Join us on Wednesday night at the Eagle Heights Middle School meeting to find out more.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Student Worship Team Practice

Tuesday at 3:30-5:30 at the Student Center. Come one come all who
would love to use their gifts to glorify the Lord! This is our first
official meeting as we are rebuilding the team from the ground up. Now
is a great fime to jump in, or at least to come and find out you
place. Bring your instrument/voice of choice - See you there...

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Neighborhood

We will be visiting the Neighborhood, a local nursing home here in
Somerset on Monday, November 16th, a great time to reach out to those
who have gone before us and love and learn... details to follow......

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Strength to Stand Conference!

Today the tickets to the Strength to Stand Conference in January in Pigeon Forge are being ordered! Cant wait… visit

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Beatitudes

This Wednesday Night the youth of Ealge Heights will be discussing the Beatitudes. In Exodus Chapter 3 God reveals himself to Moses in a burning bush after being silent for 400 years. God tells Moses to go and tell Pharaoh to let his people go after these 400 years of slavery. Moses is scared though and instead starts making excuses (like we all do) about why he can't do this vaunting task that God has given him. During this conversation, Moses asks God what his name is. Until this point in history Moses' people the Israelites had only known God by one name which was Yahweh. Most of the Israelites were even scared to call him by this name. So, when Moses asked God what his name was God replied to Moses, " I am who I am, tell them I AM sent you." God goes on to tell Moses that this will be his name forever and ever. The two names mentioned for God here, Yahweh and I AM, both have a sub meaning which is TO BE since GOD has always been. Thus, in scriptures when we see the word BE we can literally translate it for GOD.
Now to the discussion of the BE Attitudes. Did you catch it? Yes, the BE Attitudes can literally be translated, the GOD Attitudes. These attitiudes which were given by Jesus at the Sermon on the Mountain or as it is more precisely known The Sermon on the Mount are a blueprint for happiness. If we can live by these GOD Attitudes we will be sure to find true happiness that comes from GOD. Join us Wednesday night at 7:00 P.M. in the upper room of the student building to find out more about the GOD Attitudes.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Block Party info!

The student ministry is meeting at 5:00pm THIS Saturday (10/31) downtown Somerset at the Square for the Halloween Block Party.... Bring your "hillbilly golf" games and be ready to reach out to the community in Jesus Name!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Last Wednesday I spoke to the Eagle Heights Youth about religion. In John chapter 3, the popular Pharisee Nicodemus came to Jesus in the night. Nicodemus was a Pharisee and one of the head Pharisee's at that. In order to be a Pharisee, Nicodemus would have memorized the first four books of the bible word for word. He also would have been required to keep the Sabbath, fast two times a week, pray every day, tithe ten percent of his income and God knows what else. But, when Nicodemus came to Jesus, Jesus saw through all of the religion that Nicodemus had and told him that he must be born again. In the last days, Jesus tells us in Matthew Chapter 7:22 that many people will come to him saying, "Lord Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name did we not cast out demons and perform many miracles?" Then Jesus tells us that he will respond by saying, "In never knew you, go away from me you evildoers!" In effect, in those last days, many of us will come to Jesus with our religion saying things like, I was baptized, I always tithed ten percent of my income, I did good things in your name Jesus. But, unfortunately, these things will not get us into heaven and Jesus will say, get away from me I never knew you. Why? Because you never gave your heart to Jesus. Jesus appreciates all the good things that we do, but above all, he wants our hearts and our lives. Maybe right now, if you want, you could give your heart and life to Jesus. If you did, may God Bless You. Please comment and tell me what you think.

Strength to Stand Conference Information

Those who are interested in attending the Strength to Stand Student conference in January (over MLK weekend), remember the $50 deposit is due THIS Sunday, November 1st. Please make checks payable to Eagle Heights Church. The deposit can be turned in to D.J. Pevley or John Follman.It'll be a great time! Check out for more info on the conference...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

worship team interest meeting [this] wednesday!

Tomorrow night after small groups (around 8:00), we are going to have a meeting with all those interested in being a part of the student ministry praise team. There are a lot of open doors right now to be on the team, so please come for the meeting and find out how you can add your love for music and Jesus to the worship team!! (meet in the main room of the student building)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Hello World...

Welcome to Eagle Heights Student Ministry's Middle School Blog! This is your place for anything middle school, and whats up in the Eagle Heights Student Ministry.

Thanks for stoppin by and stay tuned for lots of updates, encouragement, events, and more!