Tuesday, January 19, 2010

In the name of Jesus Christ and to all my brothers and sisters in the Eagle Heights Church Middle School Ministry hello. To all of you that went to the Strength to Stand Conference in Pigeon Forge a special welcome back to you as well. I hope those of you that went had a great time and drew even closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Tomorrow night, we will be discussing giving what you have to Jesus and letting him use it. The passage we will be studying comes from Mark Chapter 6. In this passage Jesus has spent the whole day healing the masses of people who followed him everywhere he went. These crowds numbered anywhere between 5,000 - 20,000 people. As the day grew long and night approached, Jesus disciples asked him to send the people away so that they could go into the towns to buy something to eat. Jesus responded by telling his disciples to give the crowds something to eat.
Not long after this, one of Jesus' disciples, Andrew, the one disciple know for always bringing people to Jesus, brought a little boy to Jesus. This little boy had five loaves of barley and two fish. Barley bread was the poor man's bread of Jesus' day but even though it was all he had, the little boy gave the bread and the two fish to Jesus expecting a miracle that day.
Jesus took what amounted to five saltine crackers and two sardines and blessed them and gave thanks. Even though it wasn't much, the little boy gave what he had and Jesus used it to feed the masses of people on that hillside that day.
In the world we live in, it is estimated that 26,500 people die every day to a preventable disease called starvation. This disease is easily preventable and can be cured. The question is, will you be like the little boy in this story and give? Even if it is just a little, give to make sure that people around the world don't go hungry tonight. In essence, own you money, don't let it own you. To hear more about this, join us at the student building at Eagle Heights Church tomorrow night. Until then show someone the love of Jesus and may GOD bless.

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